fetal position
- 胎位

Birth process and fetal position abnormal is 27.69 percent ;
Fifteen cases ( 27.7 % ) had abnormal fetal position .
Changes of fetal position during the third trimester
I sleep in the fetal position .
It won 't bother you if you 're in the fetal position .
Study on Birth Weight , Fetal Position and the Mother 's Age for 8 463 Babies by Correspondence
Cats , dogs and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal position .
Results In 65 cases with PPROM , abortion , infection , and abnormal fetal position were the common causes .
Step down , crawl up into the fetal position , and just try to stay warm from now .
It lacks a face and seems to be wrapped in a layer as a placenta , fetal position .
Objective To explore the effect of changing body position of lying-in women during labor process in order to rectify abnormal fetal position .
While sleeping , try lying in a curled-up , fetal position with a pillow between your legs .
Yet Chris Shim ," blessed " in height , always managed to squeeze himself into a compact and safe fetal position .
Conclusion Neonatal asphyxia , birth process and fetal position abnormal , with placenta functional defect together , are the factors mainly lead to neonatal asphyxia .
She was asleep , twisted in a fetal position . She was very pale , and we knew instantly that this should be a short visit .
[ Results ] Umbilical stalk , fetal position and birth process dysfunction were the main obstetric causes of asphyxia neonatorum , by 35.16 % and 32.58 % respectively ;
Methods The relationship between the prolapse of umbilical cord in 26 cases and the abnormal fetal position , means of delivery and the prognosis of perinatal fetuses was reviewed retrospectively .
Left or right ventricle was distinguished by fetal position , spine , liver , aerogastria , descending aorta or the blood direction of foramen of ovale .
Crouched in the fetal position is the most popular sleep pattern and favored by51 percent of women , according to the results of the study he conducted for a large hotel group .
The analysis of conditional logistic regression showed that macrosomia ( birth weight 4 000g ), forceps delivery and occipitoposterior or occipitotransverse in fetal position were risk factors .
The main symptoms were scar uterus , abnormal fetal position , cephalopelvic disproprotion ( CPD ), premature dilivery and pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome ( PIH ), etc.
Results : In this group , the rate of abortion was 40.2 % , the rate of premature labor was 12.0 % , the rate of abnormal fetal position mortality of perinatal period was 12.2 % .
Whether it 's curled up in the fetal position , flat on the stomach or stretched out across the bed , the way people sleep reveals their personality , a British sleep expert said .
They hit him with tremendous shot across the frontal lobe , y'know , real smack in the head , and he fell to the lobby in a fetal position , y'know .
If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting out the door or window , then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to a sofa , or large chair .
Objective To determine the fetal position , if the cord around neck or prolapse estimated the fetal weight , position and maturity of placenta and the quantity of amniotic fluid with B-ultrasounic detector .
Before he fell asleep , he removed his T-shirt so that he could wrap it around his legs for warmth . He zipped up his jacket and curled into the fetal position on the rocks .
Methods Retrospective analysis was made among 116 cases of malformed uterine pregnancy treated in this hospital from 1986 to 1999.Results Obstetrical complications in these cases were found to be mainly recurrent abortion , abnormal fetal position , premature delivery , premature rupture of fetal membranes and postpartum hemorrhage .
We investigated the delivery manner of 44 twin pregnancies between 1990 and 1995 . The result showed that dystocia and operative delivery for twin pregnancy occur more often apparently than mono-cyesis because of the abnormal fetal position , the abnormality of force of labor and pregnancy complication .
Conclusion : Prenatal MRI can better diagnose twins and abnormalities of tiwns because of its large field of view , better tissue contrast and not being affected by volume of amniotic fluid , maternal somatotype , fetal position , fetal skull and the pelvic skeleton of pregnant women .